
Our website uses cookies to enhance your user experience and track visitor statistics. During your visit, certain data is stored on our server. This data is completely anonymous and is used solely for analyzing visits trough Google Analytics.

When you first visit our site, we inform you about the use of cookies, and for certain cookies, we will request your consent. You can change your cookie preferences at any time through this link.

Our website does not share cookies with third-party service providers and does not use them to display advertisements.

About Cookies

Cookies are small text files that a website stores in your web browser when you visit. Some cookies are essential for the website to function properly. It is important to note that cookies do not contain any personal or identifying information. However, we recommend agreeing to their use.

You can withdraw your consent for the use of certain cookies at any time through this link. Please note that withdrawing consent may affect the functionality of some website features or disable certain services.

Managing Cookies in Your Browser

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, which are then automatically deleted after a set period. You can also manually delete cookies or disable their use for specific websites (domains). Instructions for deleting cookies or disabling their use can be found in your web browser`s help section. However, be aware that completely disabling cookies may affect the proper functioning of some website features.

Cookies Used by the Website

Title Description Validity
language Selected language package for the website 1 month
PHPSESSID User session settings until the end of the session
_ga This cookie is used to track users and differentiate between unique users on your website. It helps create visitor reports. 2 years
_ga_* This cookie is used to track users and differentiate between unique users on your website. It helps create visitor reports. 2 years
_gid This cookie tracks activities on the website during a single browsing session. 2 years
_gat This cookie is used to limit the request rate to the Google Analytics server, helping maintain efficiency and security. 2 years
gclid This cookie enables tracking of advertising campaigns and conversions related to Google Ads. 2 years
_gads This cookie tracks user interactions with ads on the website and optimizes ad display based on user interests. 2 years